Home Fragrance:
Antica Farmacista
Erbario Toscano
The vendors above are our best selling home fragrance lines for diffusers, lotions, hand creams, body soaps, candles, and more. We have a variety of fragrances among the various companies. Come to our store to test each fragrance and experience each aroma.
Maison Berger Paris:
Grand Interiors is a proud distributor of Maison Berger Paris.
What is Maison Berger?
"Designed in 1898 to purify the air in hospitals, the small catalytic lamp created by pharmacy dispenser Maurice Berger, quickly became very popular with the public. Redesigned by famous designers, embraced by leading figures from the art community (Coco Chanel, Picasso, Colette and Jean Cocteau), it was then fitted with a perfuming function and gradually became a style icon, appreciated for its sleek design and its delicate fragrances.
The Lampe Berger is a functional and attractive accessory which has spanned the years, purifying indoor air and acting as a room deodorizer adding an elegant or contemporary touch to every home."
(Description from Maison Berger Paris)
Grand Interiors showcases over 40 lampes by Maison Berger Paris followed by over 30 of their fragrances.